
Monday, April 29, 2013

Culinary Internship Program in Spain

NEXUS offers a “CULINARY INTERNSHIP PROGRAM" for Culinary and Hospitality students that would like to develop a professional training in:
Food Oriented Positions: Cook, Chef, Waiters and Waitresses
•Free accommodation and food and /or
•Pocket money: 300 € per month

·         Internships in the most reputable restaurants (including Michelin awarded) and 4 and 5 star hotels restaurants all around Spain.
·         Learning and discovering the Spanish Cuisine, the best from one of the world's most exciting, natural, and healthy cuisines Training with some of the most famous Chefs in the world.
·         Explore Spanish wines and the best foods to serve with them
·         Improve your Spanish

NEXUS collaborates with Michelin awarded restaurants, such as
Abac, Moments, Gaig, Miramar de Llançà, La cúpula de Carles Gaig, Moo, Enoteca, Hisop, Ramon Freixa, Alkimia, Mas Pau, Silabario, Etxebarri, El Corral del Indianu, Solana, Alameda de Hondarribia, Es Molí d’en Bou, Zaranda, Alejandro, Pepe Solla, Ricard Camarena, Calima, Santos, Aponiente…

For more information: Please contact the Career Service Department!!!